Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 Things I want to do before I am 30

It's the beginning of another year, and it's over 2 years that I blogged. So I thought I should start off with something exciting. I turned 28 just a month ago. I remember, it was onlya few years ago that I thought that 28 was really old, I would call a 28 year old 'aunty'. Today I am quite there. Don't get me wrong, I am not the kind who dislikes aging, more like I am waiting to grey :P , buts it’s the pace of time that fascinates me. So, in another 2 years I will be 30, and that's when life really begins! So here are a few thingsI want to to prepare for that day...Happy New year guys!

30 Things I want to do before I am 30

1. Do some social work that can light up a few lives
2. Send dad and mom on a vacation.
3. Be a better writer.
4. Run a marathon
5. Seawalk in Bali
6. Bungee Jump
7. Make a snowman
8. Create a dream home: Simple and sweet
9. Read more
10. Take a holiday alone
11. Do my masters
12. Learn to swim
13. Travel: Calcutta, Paris , Italy and Safari in Africa
14. Throw a party and invite all those who matter the most
15. Go back to learning French
16. Quit the job that I dislike
17. Learn a musical instrument
18. Hit my ideal weight
19. Plant at least 50 trees , and care for them
20. Take a break from work
21. Pull off a surprise party for S
22. Worry less, enjoy more
23. Learn to cook a decent meal
24. Get a makeover
25. Witness a meteor shower
26. Ride an elephant
27. Fly
28. Practice Yoga
29. Learn to drive a car…again
30. Adopt a child :)

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